Yearend Awards
We have come to the end of yet another year and a decade filled with turmoil and celebrations. Thanks to the resiliency of the Liberian people, the commitment to Liberia by the rest of the World, and the matchless grace of God who has brought us through. Throughout this year many Liberians have demonstrated their commitment to Liberia in a number of ways. One of such ways is through the expression of their views through the various media. Others have used the media to promote the cause of their communities and organizations. The David Media, Inc. has over the past months perused the views and activities of many Liberians and organizations over the past year. Our institution has devoutly followed the postings and actions of various Liberians through the listservs and websites. We concede that we have been quite fascinated by the work of all of you have done over the past year. Regardless of your divergent persuasions, views, and philosophies we acknowledge that all of you have become vital stakeholders in shaping the destiny of your country and the institutions to which you subscribe. We are therefore honored and privileged to present our year end awards to various personalities and institutions due to their tireless contributions to our community. We at the David Media, Inc. acknowledge that this was not an easy exercise. We painstakingly, deliberatively, and objectively discussed, analyzed, debated this work before arriving at this final version. We also consulted with a number of personalities with interest in the Liberian communities for their input. We are grateful for their contribution. Fellow country men and women we are humbled to present to you the honorees of 2009 for their remarkable work in the Liberian community:
Media Institution of the Year: This award goes the online informative media/medium which have stood the test of time and remained steadfast in the pursuit of its professional responsibilities. Our professional media award goes to FrontPage Africa and the Sloh Information Service (SIS). Those two institutions have over the year lived up to enviable standards.
Organization of the Year: amid the squabbles that beset a number of Liberian organizations in the Diaspora, we at David Media, believe that there are others that have exemplified enviable virtues and have demonstrated ardent commitment to serving their people. Those organizations have remained steadfast and progressive. Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present our most progressive organization award to the Grand Cape County Association in the Americas and the B. W. Harris Alumina Association. We admonish these organizations to continue to work hard for the fulfillment of their objectives.
Breakthrough Award: We have watched with keen interest the emergence of various online media institutions over the year. Amid turmoil and opposition, some have ceased to exist. In the midst of such ruckus, there are many that made it through the year. We are therefore proud to present our Breakthrough Award to the Horizon Media for making it through the hurdles despite its turbulent journey. At times the Horizon media has been accused of skewed reporting, fabrications, and unedited work yet the media has stood the test of time and made remarkable improvement. Thanks to the hard work of the Horizon staffs.
Guru Award: This award is presented to the individual/s with the most poignant, analytical, logical, and well organized views which often disarms the opponents. This award is also presented to the invididual/s that has/have persistently demonstrated respect for his/her/their opponent/s and has/have maintained calm repose in all interactions. Through his writings even those who disagrees with him, have something to learn and appreciate from him. This award proudly goes to Mr. Dennis C. Jah.
Doyen of the Liberian listservs: Our institution, David Media, Inc. is humbled to recognize Mr. Nathaniel Gbasaygee as doyen of the listserv. His contribution is matchless. He is the pace setter and a vibrant contributor in the theatre of intellectual discourses.
Reformed Personalities of the year: This award is presented to Messrs Abraham Massaly and Rodney Chesson. These two have made sharp turnabout from their previous views and are actively involved in unifying their communities and working for the progress of all not a selected group
Dismal Award: People and institutions that fell below expectations during the year are Messrs Anthony V. Kessely, Bai M. Gbala, Ambassador Nathaniel Barnes, and the Liberian Journal. The three personalities despite their experiences and roles in Liberian activities have failed to inspire our community through dialogue, collective engagement, and steadfast leadership. The ULAA and Grand Gedeh Association sagas are testimonies to those personalities inability to exhibit progressive leadership. We believe those personalities have the clout to do better. The Liberian Journal has fallen off the radii and such has been a disappointment to the reading public. For these reasons and more they have won the Most Dismal Award of the year.
Perseverance Award: Our perseverance award of the year is presented to Dr. Mariah Seton and Mr. Francis Duwana.
Most fanatical Personality: This award is presented to the most ardent supporter of a cause policy, or individual despite how tainted or flawed such is. This award is presented to Reverend James Blyee of Connecticut.
Worse PRO of the Year: We have over the year read some of his utterances via the listservs. He is often reactive not proactive. This award is presented to Mr. Cyrus Wleh Badio, Press Secretary to President Ellen Johnson of Liberia. He has demonstrated less his ability to clearly articulate the President’s messages and has been unable to pursue a convincing argument or delivery.
Formidable Person/s Award: These two have stood their grounds in their lines of duty. They have maintained a commitment to their style of writing. They deserve our Most Formidable Person Award. This award goes to Messrs Omari Jackson and Chorpie Charlee for their steadfastness and commitment to the train of work.
Most misused/misplaced word of the year: The most overused and misused word of the year. It has rendered this word threadbare and without value. The word is Honorable. It must therefore be scraped out our diction in 2010.
The most laughable moment of the year was Moses Nyenpan’s covet mission to the Mariah Seton’s ULAA inauguration in Philadelphia. The undercover agent got converted after he was repeatedly hugged by a group of beautiful women. He later went on a PR spree for the Seton’s camp.
Donors Award: The award is presented to all Liberians in the United States for their continuous support to their people back home.
People to watch Out For In2010: We at predict that the rising stars of the listservs to watch out for are Ms. Alice Welley Mulbah and Mr. Zaza Yanqui.
Our Prayers: Let us with one accord pray for the family which lost seven of its members at the beginning of 2009 in the fire incident. We should also remember one of the resounding voices in the Liberian community who has been silenced by ill health. He is Mr. Bodiour Wesseh Siapo. Let us also continue to pray for one another.
David Media, Inc. was established in 2008 by a consortium of media institutions in the United States and Liberia. The goal is to synthesize and analyze views presented in various discourses. Our focus in this delivery was based on what we have analyzed from the various listservs and other fora. Our Chairman and CEO is Sir Dave Toh Jah, a 1986 graduate of Monrovia College on Camp Johnson Road, Monrovia.